Meet The WordFriends


In a word, I’m an expert. At everything. But especially at building words. I’m also an inventor, and I have a fantastic telescope that lets me see all over WordWorld…and beyond! I tend to be cautious, but somehow I still manage to find myself in silly situations…I think that has something to do with being friends with Duck.


*Translation: I love letters! I keep them everywhere: in my house, buried in the yard, in my friend’s house… Ask me to fetch one, any one, to help build a word! Please! I’m game! Eager! Ready! Go!

I’m not one to talk about myself, actually. I’m too shy for that. But I can tell you about all the things I like to pretend to be. Like a detective, or a princess, or even a super hero! The only thing I like more than pretending is helping my friends, especially when they are trying to sound out a word.

Are you up for an adventure? Come on! We can play basketball, or paint, or maybe you’d like to see me do a trick on my skateboard! I’m up for it…in fact, I’m up for just about anything! I’m always willing to try something new. Or learn to build a new word.

Hi, I’m Pig. I’m the master chef of WordWorld, and I even star in my own cooking show. I love to show off how good I am at making the most delicious food words in WordWorld…what can I say? I’m a ham! And even though I can be very generous with my delicious treats, sometimes I just go hog wild and eat everything in sight! What can I say? I’m a pig! But I’m working on sharing.